D & R Auto Services

D & R Auto Services D & R Auto Services where service/repair is satisfied. General Repair
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It's rare and ridiculous.I never see something like that. A presidential candidate has so many legal issues, and he is still in the presidential race and may become president.


Can a powerful country envade and occupy another country? Yes.
Can an envader occupy a country forever without the will of the citizens? No. So Ukrainians
will win, but they need to fight just like the Haitians people fought slavery in 18th century.


Buying Used Car Tips
D & R Auto Services provides free vehicle inspection for its current customers. Many of you who plan to use your tax refund to buy a used car. Keep in mind that you are only receiving this fund once a year. When you use it to buy a used vehicle, you will never see this money again. What you will have for the money that you spend is the vehicle; therefore, it is important to make the right choice once. Before purchasing a used vehicle, have an auto technician to check it out, so you know what you're buying. Courtesy of D & R Auto Services.


Fort Pierce, FL

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 5pm
Saturday 9am - 2pm





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