I’m sure the oil all over it had a contribution to wearing down the rubber #bushing which has completely #disintegrated.
The tire on this heavy duty GMC was loose, wobbling, and rattling quite a bit. So what you see in the video is us moving the tire side to side. With a new control arm, the tire will be back to functioning normally.
Most people can and do ignore oil #leaks because, let’s be honest, not all of them are worth repairing until they’re bad enough. Just be mindful of what the leak is coating as it #seeps down. If it’s anything rubber, it will break the rubber material down over time. So watch out for your hoses, axle boots, belts, etc. No one wants to #pay more money later.
#rattlingnoise #suspension #loosewheel #controlarm #GMC #dieselmechanic #saddleupautoanddiesel #automotiverepair #carthagetn
Uh Oh… Oil milkshake. 🥤
Classic #oil and #coolant mix consistency due to cracked cylinder heads or blown head gasket.
#oilmilkshake #coolantoilmix #saddleupautoanddieselrepair
We can’t help ourselves. 😂
Got a #smell?? The blower motor is a common place where mice like to visit. The blower #motor has been acting up in this vehicle and for the last couple days the driver has complained about a really bad smell.
Our find is in the comments. ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️
🐀 ⚙️ 🐀 ⚙️ 🐀 ⚙️ 🐀 ⚙️ 🐀 ⚙️ 🐀 ⚙️ 🐀 ⚙️
Thankfully after cleaning it out, we did not have to replace this blower motor.
#blowermotorinhabitant #acheatingissues #varmints #familyownedandoperated #saddleupautoanddieselrepair #automotiverepair
Compact size! 😂😂 🔧 🛞
#lilman #familyownedandoperated #smallbusiness #saddleupautoanddieselrepair #carthagetn
When lil man wants to #help, you give him a #tool!
#walnutblasting #lilman #lifeskills #daddyslilman #familyownedandoperated #learn #smallbusiness #saddleupautoanddieselrepair
On New Year’s Eve in the #shop, we’ll finish our work and then start a time of #reflection of 2022 and then set some #goals for the coming year.
We’ll make our #plans for Saddle Up but we know the One who establishes them…and, for that, we are thankful. We also thank #family and #friends, old and new, for all the #support you’ve given us.
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#proverbs16vs9 #saddleupautoanddieselrepair #carthagetn #familyownedandoperated #finishingouttheyear #planning #randytravisinspirationaljourney
🚗⚙️🚗 Got #bounce? 🚗⚙️🚗
Over time your shocks #wear and eventually don’t absorb the #jolt from going over speed bumps, pot holes, etc.
Coming from a Ford F-150, these shocks needed #replacement. The shock on the right will absorb some of the impact but could use a replacement with a new one. The one on the left has completely #failed as you can see in the video.
Most manufacturers #recommend your shocks be replaced every 50,000 miles.
🚗 ⚙️🚗🔧🚗⚙️🚗🔧🚗⚙️🚗🔧🚗⚙️🚗🔧🚗
There are two ways to #check if your #shocks are going bad. One way is to perform the bounce #test. Lean into your car near the fender and push down on it. If the vehicle bounces more than once, they are bad or are going bad. If they are good they will have a #stiff bounce. In some cases, they could not have a bounce at all, and that would indicate the shock is completely #frozen.
The #second test is to take it for a #drive and go over #bumps in the road and see if your vehicle feels like a #rough ride. Lots of noise and #clunking sounds.
#shocks #bounce #gettoknowyourcar #carthagetn #saddleupautoanddieselrepair
Break away bolt #installation on a steering column. #Safety measure to prevent your vehicle from getting stolen. The #head of the bolt breaks off when it gets to its specific #torque as you can see in the video.
#breakawaybolts #saddleupautoanddieselrepair #carthagetn
Post #2 for the delay on takeoff symptom. We confirmed a #frozen caliper was the cause of this one. We replaced the brake hose as well, which can restrict the flow of the brake #fluid to the caliper. In this case the brake hose was #collapsed. After replacement, this customer was good to go.
#carthagetn #saddleupautoanddieselrepair #familyownedandoperated #brakes #frozencaliper
Have a #delay on takeoff after braking. Here is a quick test to try to narrow it down. See #post 2 for the problem.
#carthagetn #saddleupautoanddieselrepair #familyownedandoperated
This vehicle came in with a blower motor not operating. After further inspection, we found a water leak in the #trunk.
Turns out the sunroof drain was clogged causing water to leak inside the vehicle down the paneling over the blower motor. Hence the blower motor no longer functioning.
Clearing the clog has resolved the leak and a new blower motor with a relay has got the rear AC cooling nicely.
#sunroofdrainissues #leak #ACrepair #blowermotor #carthagetn #saddleupautoanddieselrepair
The customer came in with the complaint that when putting the 🚗 vehicle in reverse, all of a sudden there was an overwhelming sound of #water 🌊 sloshing around followed by a #leak underneath the passenger side dash.
It can be a common problem, so we went straight to the AC #evaporator drain being #clogged. The drain is for the condensation that comes off the evaporator. Insects and dirt can clog the drain causing the buildup of water. 💦 💦 As you can see in the video, once we blew out the clog, quite a bit of water flowed out of the evaporator case.
#summer #cloggedevaporatorfixed #ACissues #airhosefixes #saddleupautoanddieselrepair #carthagetn #familyownedandoperated
Summer is right around the corner!
Overheating and air conditioning issues start to rise when the temperatures outside go up.
For this Xfiniti QX60, the customer’s complaint was that it would #overheat while idling, but once she was on the road the #temp would go back down. It also caused the #airconditioning to be warm at times.
Classic #symptom of a radiator #fan not working properly. After some investigation, we found that the #bearings in the fan motors had #seized, not allowing the fans to turn. We replaced the fan assembly with a new one and it fixed the overheating issue and the air conditioning was running nicely.
#hvacsystem #coolingfan #keepitcool
#carthagetn #saddleupautoanddieselrepair #familyownedandoperated
Have a vibration/jerk at take off or during idle? A broken engine mount can be the cause.
Here is a better view on an engine we have taken out of a vehicle. One #good engine mount and one #not so good. 😉
#brokenenginemount #vibration #engineswap #saddleupautoanddieselrepair